About The Studio

For starters…

We design awesome stuff

Websites, Sports Cards, Logos & Branding, Packaging & More

Both Commercial & Personal

High Heat Studios is the combination of my life and work in Graphic Design and all my hobbies and creative projects in sports. Before I turned this into a full time design studio, High Heat Studios was a moniker for custom sports and trading card projects I would do as a hobby, but it’s grown into so much more than that.

Stepping out on my own and officially opening my own studio was something I was been dreaming about for a long time. Now, with years of experience under my belt, I’m ready to take my expertise and take on the client projects I’ve always wanted. 

Whether that’s web, photography, or design, I’m always excited for new and creative projects. Please don’t hesitate to reach out and see what I can do to help you with a web site redesign, a new logo, custom cards, or anything else you might need.

A couple quick points that need to be cleared up, specifically about trading cards. While High Heat Studios grew into a commercial studio, it did start as a hobby. As such, many of the designs you may see here feature athletes, logos or sports properties. I don’t own the rights to any of those things. Anything I created for fun is clearly marked as a personal project.


What we do.

Websites, large and small

Modern web crafting, using the latest tools and techniques

Everyone needs a website…

Having designed websites since the 1990’s, I’ve seen design trends come and go. I’ve seen technologies change and evolve, and I’ve seen just how important the web has become in our lives. 

I believe everyone should have a good quality website for whatever their interest is. Whether that’s a site for a local business, a charity group, a hobby, a band, everyone needs a way to beautifully and simply communicate with their audience.

That’s what I try to do with every website I build. I want you to have a solid and secure website, beautifully designed, at a price that’s sustainable for your small business. 

I don’t outsource, I build every site myself, using straight-forward web platforms and technologies. I don’t hide what I do, what tools I use, and I won’t tell you something is custom and proprietary if it’s not. At the end, I give you the keys to what I’ve built and I’ll even show you how to use it. I’ll never lock your website away behind some service agreement you don’t need.

I believe people being involved and knowledgeable about the websites they own is the best way to make the web better for everyone.

Sports art, posters and cards

This is actually how all this started. I wanted to make cards that the big card companies weren’t making. I wanted to make something custom for myself, just for my own creative outlet.

I’ve collected baseball cards for as long as I can remember. I love that the design changes every year, that they have my favorite players on them, and that I can hold on to them like they’re little tiny memories of a season or a team. 

They are also, in my opinion, a miniture form of art. I thought I was alone in that believe until some of the card companies started working directly with artists and designers and created, literally, “art card” products. 

From there the custom art card world exploded and I knew I could be a part of it. I love designing them, I love making them, and they hold a very special place in my own collection. 

If YOU are interested in a custom card, I’m open to commissioned work for private collectors.

Sports Art

Celebrating the majesty of sports with beautiful art

Graphic Design

Hand-in-hand with everything is Graphic Design

Logos, Business Cards, and everything else you could need.

Designing websites wouldn’t be possible without a Graphic Design backgound. Designing sports cards would be impossible without it too. 

Beautiful Graphic Design is behind everything I do and run through the core of what I enjoy about being a designer. I love layouts, fonts, and colors. I love putting together just the right combinations to make people say “wow, that’s perfect!”

I’ve created logos, business cards, flyers, brochures, ads, booth graphics, tradeshow handouts and so much more. Whatever you need, I can design it with the same care, craft and attention to detail I put into all my work.


Any Questions?

If you’re interested in what I do and would like to talk about how I can help you with your design needs, please fill out the form below, or on the Contact page and I’ll be more than happy to sit down with you and discuss how I work, what I charge and help you decide if my services are right for you. If you’re interested in custom sports art I’d be very happy to talk with you about that as well.